Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Thoughts

I've never really been one for resolutions, but I figure this year maybe I can have goals for the year. And, since I'm now a 15 YO girl, I'll share them with the world. It's a celebration, bitches.

1. Get back onto Weight Watchers. I lost about 28 pounds, but have gained 5 or 6 back. Time to step up.

2. Play my horn more. I spend like 9 million dollars to buy a tuba and it's decoration for our living room.

3. Spend quality time every week with my monsters. I would like to play at least an hour a week.

4. Call Raymond. Brother was my best friend forever and I haven't talked to him in like two years. One of us is an ass... As my boy Jim Bagley would say: "Someone's got to be the adult".

5. Keep our aquarium non-assy. This one is easy.

Here are some other thoughts:

A. I want a f^*&ing new car. I am getting tired of cramming 3 adults and two kid seats in. Every time I see Kaphy with only one ass cheek on the leather because she's got to tilt to get it, I know we need a car.

B. We have one really jacked up fish in our new tank. All it did for 10 days was surf in the jet of water coming into the tank. Literally all it did. No eating, no nothing, just surfing.

C. Why do people who chase small balls around a big grass course make fun of people who play with monsters? It seems to me that golfers spend more money on equipment than I ever could on monsters. No hating, I know it's fun and good exercise, but you know what? It's still a game with no point. And don't come with that "monsters have no redeeming merit" line. I am much better at math and I am mentally exercising my brain. Don't laugh... Don't pretend that riding a cart and swinging a club is any more physical exercise than this is mental. I don't come with "I walk"... Walking 3 miles in 4 hours is not exercise.

I love you all, I'm just keepin' it real. WooWoo!



Blogger brian said...

Careful, I think that was for me! Maybe it's because the monsters seem like toys. Also, I have never seen what it is that you do with them. No hate here. Nuttin but luv, playa!
And let's talk about the last time I played golf. It was over 6 months ago! No time anymore..

2:25 PM  
Blogger Brett said...

I like golf.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Big E said...

No, it wasn't directed at brian, I was just venting. People see that you play with kids toys (my wife cough cough) and look at you like you are P-tarded. I just needed to go off and golf was the easiest vent. I would have felt guilty saying something like- "you people waste all of that time taking care of your kids, and what do you get out of it..." :-)

Still all the love. 24/7 love.

Still a celebration, bitches.


8:20 PM  

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