Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New Thoughts for a new day...

I thought that I as our token progressive (note the avoidance of liberal or leftist...) I should write down some things that I believe. This stems from the fact that B-dizzle Wolfle-dizzle and I talked last weekend and found a good bit of common ground.

I'll do this real slow like so you O'Reilly folks can keep up- maybe one major idea a week.

1. The Federal Budget should be balanced. Period. I'm not saying that every year has to be even, you can run a surplus or a debt, but you can't do a ten year projection that shows that you will be >$10,000,000,000,000 MORE in debt and have that be OK.

I don't believe that tax cuts stimulate the economy and help balance the budget. If they did, we would have just raised the debt ceiling to $9,000,000,000,000. Let me write that number again $9,000,000,000,000. Just Damn.

We are mortgaging our children and their children every day by spending more than we bring in. I think that this is a result of the "Consumer" mindset that we are now trained to have. More stuff = More happy. This is a post for another day, but... I see this in people. I heard over the weekend that the average American has $10,000 in credit card debt. I bet the mode debt is even higher- there are a lot of us who still have $0 in CC debt. This is why we don't care that our govt is doing the same thing. "I can pay this off later (many of us never do) so why can't the govt do the same". They're keeping my money in my pocket. That is true, but their also taking it from you and your kids.

I heard once that $0.18 of every tax dollar goes to pay on our debt. Do you think this is going to get smaller the way we are spending today? If we keep borrowing more, this number will increase- duh. That means that if we expect to keep the same services, we will either have to borrow more or raise taxes. Eventually we won't be able to pay this.

Kirkdiggity will say that the solution is to remove services (or go to the fair tax- get me the book...). The issue is that even with all of the pork in the budget and the "Social" programs, they make up a pretty small portion of the tax burden. We are talking about having to limit the military or highways or medicare to make this plan work. Please keep in mind that madicare is getting bigger and we still don;t cover people right...

We have to raise taxes to fix this. I don;t know how, I'm not a tax lawyer, but that is the only solution to this problem. I will more than happily give back my $300 check from a few years ago if the super wealthy will give up their thousands per year breaks...

In closing......................... These thoughts are conservative thoughts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't spend what you don't have.

Disagree with me. I dare you :-)

President Bush on Wednesday defended an Afghan Christian who is on trial for rejecting Islam and who could eventually face the death penalty.

Here is what we bed-wetting-bleeding-heart-liberals like to call nation building at it's finest.

I would also like to point out that 10 years ago people who wanted to leave other countries alone to have their own governments were called "Gingrich Republicans"...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

OK, here goes.

Since I last posted my life has radically changed. I am now a post-op transex... wait that's not right. I did get a new job though, and I feel a little guilty. I'm sure I'll live.

I sort of snuck in the back door to Mill Creek HS. I know one of the APs and he really went to bat for me and convinced the principal (along, of course, with my killer resume) that I was the right guy. I feel in my heart that I am the right guy, I just hate that other great guys didn't get a real shot.

That being said, let me say this... I GOT THE JOB I'VE ALWAYS WANTED- WOO TANG!!! This is truly a dream come true for me. Expectations are high and there are a lot of things to fix, but I feel like my kids have a place to go to school and I have a job to retire from. I told someone the other day that I feel like the dog who caught the car. I've been chasing it down the street for 4 years and now that I've got it in my jaws, I have to figure out what to do with it.

We are already planning for next year- that is the old BD who is now the ABD (not anal biscuit dough) have to really slam a product out. I met with the parents and they seem to really be on board. We are going to do a show called (working title follows) All Up In A Maze, Biotch, or The Labyrinth. I am happy with it so far.

I also did some math. I will fill up my car roughly 8 times next year. Down from roughly 50 times this year. At $30 a fill up, I will save my family around $1250 in gas next year. My commute has dropped from 70 miles per day to 7. w0rd.

I want to thank all the guys who are letting me talk their ears off- B-Dog, OOOOOOOOOOuvre, Kirklander, etc. I need all the help I can get and you guys are great.
Now, on to important things. One of my favorite things in the world is The Onion. My favorite thing on The Onion is Herbert Kornfeld. He is a regular contributer who talks about office life in a unique way. Check this article out

That is all for today kiddies. I hope to take less than 6 weeks to come back...
