Friday, April 28, 2006

Here it comes. I've had enough of this "I miss my friends" and "I'm So Busy" and "My Pussy Hurts" business.

Guys night (or day) out. Sometime before 5/14. Everyone has 3 days to submit when they want to go. We're doing this. Tell your wives you have a new All-Region Indoor Marching Percussion and Donought Eating Festival to go to.

All comers (huh, huh, comers) are welcome. Party train from TN...

Let's be part of the sloution, not part of the problem. I vote for 5/13.

w0rd up,

Thursday, April 20, 2006

2 Quick Things:

1. Why am I glad I'm a man, you ask? Here's why. When a 2 inch little lizard slides under the front door and gets trapped by the cat, I don't have to wake my husband up from his 3 minute nap. Let's review more. My husband would have slept only about 3 hours the night before. Oh, and did I mention the cat had it in her paws? The solution would be very hard, though. My hubby would have had to open the door 1 inch to let the lizard run out.

Thank God that crisis is deverted! :-)

2. Kirk-man-dingo and I should start separate blogs for our point/counterpoint. We can be The Tin Man and The Scarecrow...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Fair Tax Questions

I have been doing a little research into the proposed fair tax. In theory I am all about this concept. I do have some questions that maybe folks more in the know can help answer. Most of these come from FAQs so the fact should be accurate.

1. My main concern is homes. The fairtax site talks about how mortgage rates will go down. I disagree, but that will come later. Even if things are as they say and people's payments go down by roughly 10%, adding 23% still makes it go up. Can any one in the US afford a 13% jump in home costs? Am I wrong in how this is figured?

2. Does anyone actually believe that companies will pass on their savings to the consumer? When capital gains taxes and corporate taxes havre been reduced in the past, have these breaks been passed on to us? If you show me, I'll believe you. Right now, I don't see it. I can see CEOs making even more money... that I can see.

3. If everyone's taxes go down - and these folks make it sound that way AND we do away with all corporate taxes- how can the tax base possibly go up? I'm asking this seriously. I believe that research has been doen. Can someone show me?

4. One time in the FAQs the document mentions a projected growth in the economy of 10.5%. That is insane. That is more growth than at any time in our history (I think). That is also a recipe for wild inflation. Has anyone looked at this? They say 4-6% growth is sustainable. What if we have major inflation or this 10.5% doesn't happen. Does this put us further in the red?

5. Will this balance the budget or pay down our debt?

6. They say that interest rates will go down. If we grow at 10.5% interest rated will have to go up to stem inflation, right?


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

An Interesting Night In Winder

You never know what you're going to get in beautiful, scenic Winder GA. Two things happened tonight that I have to share.

1. Recitative had gymnastics class tonight. Out of nowhere in the middle of the class she runs up, throws her arms around me, and says 'Daddy is Recitative's best friend". That'll make your day right there.

2. We went to this new Country food buffet thing (you can tell how low class a town is by the number of buffets they have and the percentage of people who wear set belts- Winder has all the buffets...). OK, here's where it gets wierd. the place is owned and run by Asians, but since it's a country place, all the wait staff is Winder's finest.

This lady (or maybe she was a Fupa incarnate) wanted to take her dessert home. They were trying to charge her $0.50. I can see both sides here- when your food is cheaper than Wendy's, you got to squeeze every penny possible, but she got dessert with her meal why does it matter where she eats it? Anyway this isn't a debate about restaurant management...

So the lady complains to Redneck Waitress 1 who tries to explain (loudly) to her Asian boss why this isn't cool. AB isn't having it, so RW1 goes to get AB husband the owner. Meanwhile RW 2-5 start debating this policy (loudly) in fornt of the entire place- maybe 10 families. they were all like "they're so greedy" and "who cares where she eats it". Anyway ABHTO comes out and tells the Fupa she has to pay $0.50. Fupa of course is now yelling how she'll never come back and she'll tell everyone she knows, yaddayaddayadda.

So I go back to my seat and eat a plate of food- 10 minutes or so. then I go back for more (chicken livers, yummy) and RW2-5 are still talking about how they'll always take the customer's side and all this and how greedy their bosses are. Then they all took a smoke break 3 feet from the front door.

Classy joint! you can't help but wonder if the boss was a redneck, would this have been like this?

Sorry for the length, had to share.


P.S. for the record- I'd have fired all of their asses and hired some illegals :-)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter everybody!


Saturday, April 15, 2006

OK, I've finally spent some time thinking about immigration, and I have some questions for those more informed than myself.

It seems that the biggest complaint I hear is that these people are a drain on out school and medical system. Here goes- aren't all people who don't own property drains on our education system? My dad bithced for the first 18 years of my life about apartment dwellers. My argument to him was always that the owner of the apartment complex had to pay property tax and therefore those people weren't leaches (or at least as leachy) as they first appeared. I would say the same thing is true of immigrants. I hear you - but Erik, they life 5 families to one apartment. Yes, some do. I've never met any, but I'm sure some do. I would say that this is minor. Please convince me I'm wrong.

The medical system is even more intriguing. I've heard estimates that between 10 and 13 million illegals are here. Let's be generous and say 15 million - 0.5% of the U.S. population. I would bet that countries like France and the U.K. have similar numbers. They may not be Mexicans, but in London I heard complaints about illegals there too. Here we go. These two countries have national medicine. They pay exponentially less for health care than we do. REVIEW- they have the same percentage of illegals (I would guess) and they pay LESS for health care. In fact, my student there on a visitors visa last year got hurt in the parade. She had 4 hours in a hospital, consult with a doctor, X-Ray, cast, crutches, all the bells and whistles. She paid $0.00. She was a drain on their healthcare system. There medicine is still cheaper. I hear you here to- but Erik, their medicine sucks. They have lines and get told when they can see a doctor. EVERY English person I spoke to loved their system. And, by the way, my insurance company tells me when and what services I am allowed to have... Maybe illegals aren't the problem here either...

You want to know what I think? I think we resent them because that's what we always do. Our great-grandparents resented the Irish and Italians. My parents resented blacks and Cubans. We resent Mexicans. Why? Because they're different. they don't speak our language. We don't understand them.

The last thing I hear is that many of them are criminals. Are more of them criminals than those of us already here? I doubt it as that we have the largest percentage of citizens in jail of any country in the world...

I think the solutions is easier immigration. Anyone who wants to come to the U.S. should be welcome- as a matter of morality and economy. These people help make our economy go, why not let them? To come in, all you have to do is register. I hear you again- Erik, they'll still work under the table! No they won't. Not if you position a cop at every QT at 6 am, and in every new neighborhood going up, and everywhere grass needs to be mowed, and in every orange grove. Let's take the "Minutemen Brigade" and get them to help stop citizens from hiring people under the table.

I doubt anyone will agree with me here, but I wanted you all to hear the other side.

One more question. How many illegals do you all know? I bet Kirkdiggity will win... but I'd like to know how much this impacts us in the real world. You know, the world outside of talk radio...

for the record. I have met 0 illegals- ever.


P.S. Let's let the tax cuts expire. I'll pay my extra $80 dollars a year and Bill Gates can pay his extra $100,000, and we'll be closer to a balanced budget than yesterday.
Had a wonderful day yesterday. B. Wolllffe and I had a meeting in Warner Robbins for the marching committee. I feel like we are again making progress in getting things right for our activity.

Kathy and I had a great date last night. We actually drove down to Madison and got massages and dinner. Wonderful little spa called Spa Adonia. They stayed open late so that we could get handled... Then we ate at a place called Town 220. YOU MUST ALL GO HERE. We need to make it a mission to keep this place open. Everything that they served was perfect. It was like eating in Buckhead- save three things...

1. We ate appetizers, salads, entrees (lamb and scallops), dessert, coffee, and wine for less than $100.
2. People were wearing shorts.
3. At no time did I fear for my life walking to or from the place.

I can't find the website today, but if your looking for a nice place to go - this is it.

Much Love,

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Good Baby News!

Big Daddy (our youngest, get it) slept in her own bed for the first time last night. I will not say that this was fun for anyone, but they really wil stop crying after an hour or so, and you really do get over it. We find that getting over it is easier when you average 4 hours per night of sleep for 6ish months...

I feel so rested I could go jogging- well, maybe not jogging. I'll start slowly. Yeah that's it! Today I will stay awake past 9 pm. Baby step people, baby steps.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm finally letting myself get excited.

I've been at MCHS all week with guard and drums and some with leadership. Every day I get more hyped about how things are going to be. My predecessor has been here every day but today.

Bill and I get along really well. There doesn't seem to be any resentment or ego issues getting in our way, and I'm more than willing to open my arms and work with him. He's very genuine and just a super guy...

The drums have gotten about 400 times better his week. They simply needed the training on refinement and fundamentals. some of you probably could have guessed this... The guard is working really hard and making progress, also. They spent- literally- 5.5 hours learning how to do drop spins and peggies correctly. they simply didn't know.

We're not going to be Lassiter or Collins Hill next fall, but we will be better than we were. I think some people will be pleasently surprised- I am.

One more thing- I haven't heard one kid talk back, mouth off, be a wise ass, or even talk unless asked a question. I'm not used to that. I feel like the oppiste of Kirkdoggydogg earlier.

My family also kicks ass. I love my wife and kids and how supportive they are of e. I couldn't do this without them.

Much Love,


Saturday, April 08, 2006

My wife is sewing, so here are some things that I think about:

1. Rich McKay is a genius. He somehow made all the moves the Falcons needed and we haven;t even drafted anyone yet.

2. Cynthia McKinney is a real piece of work. She is not associated with me or my belief system. Found out today that her dad was a cop. You are a class act Cyn, salt of the earth...

3. Watched the 9/11 movie preview. I don't know if we need this film. How much of this is fact, and how much is Hollywood? Hollywood is the devil- I don't need some blown up over-heroic story about this plane. I would; however, be all about some port security.

4. For other geeks in the crowd. I got the Mill Creek boosters to offer 12 1/2 scolarships to the BOA symposium. That means if I get 12 kids to go, I can go for free- not even my wife can stop me :-) The further away from the event I get, the more I realize how much a learned.

5. You must visit Just F@#$ing go. Spend some time- explore the space...


Monday, April 03, 2006

2 Poop Stories from our trip.

1. Yesterday Recitative had the biggest poop ever. Thank God she asked to go potty. It looked like she had pooped a human arm...

2. Today same child needed to go potty in a local retaurant. After depositing a present in the can she ran out and announced to the restaurant "mama, Kaka (our nanny) Recitative pushed a big poop out!" Then everyone in the restaurant was super hungry. Yummy...

FYI. I would really like to see a plain language list of all of the things that the Feds spend money on.

woo tang,
Thoughts from Spring Break:

1. We were at the Chattanooga zoo yesterday. Decent little zoo for kids. Here is the conversation we overheard (please read in your biggest hillbilly)-

Mom: Look son these raccoons are from North America.
Son: Mom, this is North America.
Mom: No son, we're in the South.

2. The SGHS drumline won the gold medal at championships. I am very proud of my kids. Our guard had a great show and a great run, but never got scores we felt like they deserved. This may have been very good for them- it taught them to respect the process and their improvement without focusing on what others felt.

3. My kids are too damn cute. Yesterday we were in the Bass outlet and Recitative was picking sunglasses up and putting them on. She would look in the mirror and say "Recitative is soooo cool."

4. Chattanooga is a great place. There are tons of little things to do, but nothing overwhelming. I'm glad we came here.

Much love,